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View Crime Records & Information Of Inmate Kip Spratt

Kip Spratt's Personal Information & Public Records
Inmate Name Kip Spratt
Inmate Id #453735
Gender Male
Current Facility MD DOC - Jessup Correctional Institution (JCI)
Current Location Jessup, Maryland
Time Left For Release Unknown
Release Date: 'Unknown'
Phone Number: 410-799-6100
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Detail Information about inmate Kip Spratt - Public Records

Kip Spratt committed some Misdemeanor / Felony under Federal Jurisdiction. The person was sentenced to serve prison time and is held captive in the MD DOC - Jessup Correctional Institution (JCI). The inmate's current location is in Jessup, Maryland, and you can visit the facility during permissible hours. The date of release for the inmate is Unknown.

How do I connect with Kip Spratt?

Calling Inmate: The facility's telephone provider is Global Tel Link (GTL) - ConnectNetwork. Prisons only allow Collect Calls; you must set up an account with the facility's telephone provider. To know more, you can call the facility at 410-799-6100. Calls are only allowed between 8:00 AM and 7:00 PM (Jessup, Maryland timezone); surcharges may apply for calling the facility. Read our prison phone call guide if it's your first time calling an inmate.

Mailing Inmate: You can send a mail to the following address to reach the inmate:

Kip Spratt, MD DOC - Jessup Correctional Institution (JCI), Jessup, Maryland

Mail is only allowed through the USPS; Other private couriers aren't allowed. You can send only letters, pictures, and legal items through the mail. Please don't send money or illegal things; the prison will reject them and return them to you. You can also get permanently banned from sending any items to the prisoner.

Visiting In-Person: You can travel to Kip Spratt, MD DOC - Jessup Correctional Institution (JCI), Jessup, Maryland, the current location of the inmate. But before your visit, you should check the following checklist:

If you are a first-time visitor to a prison, read our Ultimate Guide for Visitation. You must also submit a visitation application to the facility; depending on the state, this application might vary. Download State-Wise Visitation Applications.

Kip Spratt - 2 Criminal record(s) found

We found 2 criminal records from the federal database for Kip Spratt. He is currently serving prison time for his offence/misdemeanour.
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How to Send Money To Kip Spratt's Inmate Trust Fund?

Sending money to an inmate's trust fund has become much easier in the last ten years. To send money to Kip Spratt, incarcerated in MD DOC - Jessup Correctional Institution (JCI), you can use any of the following methods:

  1. Using Debit / Credit Card at
  2. Call Access Corrections toll-free at 1-866-345-1884, to pay through phone. Call 24/7 to speak with a bilingual representative.
  3. Access Correction Kiosks can be a handy option; there are over 800+ kiosks in the state.
  4. is another option to send money online or call (844) 340-2274. You can also visit in person to any of the cashPayToday outlets.

You can read our ultimate Guide to sending money to an inmate or visit the to understand the process better.

How can we help the inmate?

Depending on the status of their trial, you can help an inmate in many ways. As a family member or friend of a prisoner, you should know the basic steps for handling every situation. Below are the four steps every inmate has to go through in their cycle of incarceration.

Recently Arrested

If recently arrested, you can help them by getting bail.

Sentenced for jail time

Before going to prison, you must help the convict prepare for their jail time. It can be both physically and mentally challenging for the person. Get him to pre-prison counselling as soon as possible. The person needs to be mentally prepared and calm before going to the facility. Get them medically checked thoroughly to determine if any severe illness exists. Hand over your valuables to your family before going to the facility.

In Prison

Being a prisoner's family or friends, you must be very supportive. You can do so by doing the following:

  • Giving them a regular visit.
  • Sending them letters and photos.
  • By keeping in touch via phone and video calls.
  • By mailing them books and magazines to read.
  • Send them money for essential shopping in prison.

Life After Prison

Time after prison can determine a person's future. Family and friends must know what to do once a prisoner is released; read our Guide to a better life after prison. Reentry into society should be a smooth process, and proper reentry ensures a low recidivism rate in the community.

You should cooperate with the person and help him get reinstated in society. Continuous judgment and mistreatment can lead him back to prison. Below are a few things you can do to help the inmate:

  • Help him understand the new world and what changed.
  • Get him back to school or work.
  • Reunions with friends and family can also help a person get back to being normal.
  • Engage the person in recreational activity.
  • Get them to therapy and Counseling sessions regularly.

Penpals of Kip Spratt

Following are the fellow co-inmates of Kip Spratt, serving time in the same prison:

Christopher Reichard   Hunter Gatewood   Jason Reinartz   Joseph Smith   Keith Ray   Valdez Lawrence   David Winder   Jasmin Moss   Daniel Green   Angelo Harris  

View all inmates in MD DOC - Jessup Correctional Institution (JCI)

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Kip Spratt
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Kip Spratt
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Kip Spratt
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Kip Spratt

Current Location Of Kip Spratt - Driving Direction

MD DOC - Jessup Correctional Institution (JCI) Location map

FAQs about Kip Spratt

Kip Spratt has criminal records and serves prison time in the MD DOC - Jessup Correctional Institution (JCI).
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Kip Spratt committed multiple crimes under US jurisdiction.
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Mail / Visit: Kip Spratt, MD DOC - Jessup Correctional Institution (JCI), Jessup, Maryland.

The release date of Kip Spratt is Unknown.
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Kip Spratt is in MD DOC - Jessup Correctional Institution (JCI), Jessup, Maryland.

Last known case status: Kip Spratt is in prison for the crimes committed; case status is subject to change.
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2 Crime Record Found For Kip Spratt   View Now >>   x