Butler County KS Detention Facility Inmate Locator

233 Inmates found in Butler County KS Detention Facility Facility [Last updated on 18, Sep 2024]
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Guide To Search Inmate Records of Butler County KS Detention Facility

How to use Butler County KS Detention Facility inmate locator!

Inmate Locator for Butler County KS Detention Facility by allinmates.org is a search tool made just for you. you can use this tool in following 2 ways:
  • Search: Use the search box in the top to locate inmates in Butler County KS Detention Facility Facility. Just type in the inmate to search and we will show you results from our database.
  • Browse: If you want to view the complete list of inmates in the facility, you can browse below.

What are the things you can do after locating an inmate ?

  • Inmate Profile: Once you have successfully searched for the inmate you can visit the profile page of the inmate. You can view many information about the inmate.
  • Visitation Hours: You can also view the Visitation Hours of the prison facility. This is a necessary step to avoid unnecessary harrasment.
  • Visitation Rules: On the prison page you will also find Visitation Rules section, be sure to read it and follow them for a successful visitation.
  • Sending Money To Inmates: Different facility has different method of send money to inmates, Please view the to know more about sending money.

Inmate Name # Arrest Records Inmate Info
Jose Gonzalez 1 View Inmate Profile
Joseph Lee Cross 2 View Inmate Profile
Joshua Scott 1 View Inmate Profile
Joshua Scott Ellison 1 View Inmate Profile
Joshua Lee Robert Kelley 1 View Inmate Profile
Joshua Kent Williams 1 View Inmate Profile
Joshuah Taylor Marcus Blake 2 View Inmate Profile
Juan Carlos Reyes Flores 1 View Inmate Profile
Juan Jose Soto Urena 1 View Inmate Profile
Justin Bennett 1 View Inmate Profile
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Unable to locate an inmate?

If you are unable to locate an inmate in the facility it is possible that he/she might no longer be in the facility. Inmates can be moved to a different facility, Or they might be released. Use our generic search USA All Inmates Org Tool To find out if they have been moved to some other facility. If our tool isn't able to help you, you might also like to check out these government websites.

Data Disclaimer

Our data is the property of public and is available in other websites without copyright claims. We are just crunching the data and providing you with a platform to search through public records in a easy way. For any kind of DMCA claims mail us at [email protected]

Data / Profile Removal

We take your communications very seriously, If you want to remove any data in the site please feel free to reach us at [email protected] with proper authorization[Photographic ID cards / Documents should be provided] of you being related to the inmate.