Arrest Records Of State Correctional Institution - SCI Rockview PA
Sexual Offenders in State Correctional Institution - SCI Rockview PA
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Detail information on State Correctional Institution - SCI Rockview PA

Address Of The Facility
1 Rockview Place, Bellefonte, PA 16823
Facility Type
[email protected]
Phone Carrier
Securus Tech®
Security Level
State - medium
No Of Beds
Mailing Address
Box A, Bellefonte, PA 16823-0820

Photographic view of facility State Correctional Institution - SCI Rockview PA

Image of State Correctional Institution - SCI Rockview PA

Arrest Records Of State Correctional Institution - SCI Rockview PA
Sexual Offenders in State Correctional Institution - SCI Rockview PA
Full Background Reports Search Traffic Records

Brief about State Correctional Institution - SCI Rockview PA

State Correctional Institution - SCI Rockview PA is a correctional facility run by the state of Pennsylvania, it has 1519 beds in the facility. If you have been sentenced for a crime in County of Centre, Pennsylvania you might end up this facility.

Facility Type and Security Level

This is a Adult facility, It has Medium level of security. The facility also provides various kinds of work programs and, Education programs, Treatment programs for the betterment of the inmates.

Contacting an inmate in State Correctional Institution - SCI Rockview PA

You can generally send a Mail Or Greetings card to the facility address, In case of an emergency you can reach the facility through fax .
An inmate of State Correctional Institution - SCI Rockview PA can also be reached through calling the facility at 814-355-4874. Provider of the phone is Securus Tech®.

Visitation Rules

  • Visitors are searched before visitation
  • Contrabands shall be confiscated and disposed.
  • Each adult is allowed to bring 20$ in cash.
  • Each visitor shall be identified by his/her finger scan and identification card.
  • Visitors are required to screened through metal detectors before entering.
  • Prior calling to facility for admission is required. Warden will approve or disapprove your visit.
  • Visitor must be on inmates visitor list
  • An attorney(s), or agents of the attorney, including paralegal, investigators, psychologists, psychiatrists, mitigation specialist, and or social workers will be allowed to interview with an inmate for legal purposes and will not be required to have a court order.
  • Victim of the inmate will not be allowed for visitation
  • Visiting days and hours shall be scheduled by the Warden based upon the number of visitors, size of the visiting area, and the institutional security considerations.
  • Any kind of falsification on the visitation application will be denied for visitation.

Visitation Timings

Monday 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Tuesday 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Wednesday 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Thursday NO VISITS
Friday 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Saturday NO VISITS
Sunday 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM

Driving Direction to State Correctional Institution - SCI Rockview PA

State Correctional Institution - SCI Rockview PA Location map
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