Arrest Records Of MD DOC - Western Correctional Institution (WCI)
Sexual Offenders in MD DOC - Western Correctional Institution (WCI)
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Detail information on MD DOC - Western Correctional Institution (WCI)

Address Of The Facility
13800 McMullen Hwy Southwest, Cumberland, MD 21502
Facility Type
Phone Carrier
Global Tel Link (GTL) - ConnectNetwork
Security Level
State - maximum
No Of Beds
Mailing Address
13800 McMullen Hwy Southwest, Cumberland, MD 21502

Photographic view of facility MD DOC - Western Correctional Institution (WCI)

Image of MD DOC - Western Correctional Institution (WCI)

Arrest Records Of MD DOC - Western Correctional Institution (WCI)
Sexual Offenders in MD DOC - Western Correctional Institution (WCI)
Full Background Reports Search Traffic Records

Brief about MD DOC - Western Correctional Institution (WCI)

MD DOC - Western Correctional Institution (WCI) is a correctional facility run by the state of Maryland, it has 0 beds in the facility. If you have been sentenced for a crime in County of Allegany, Maryland you might end up this facility.

Facility Type and Security Level

This is a Adult facility, It has a Maximum level of security. The facility also provides various kinds of work programs and, Education programs, Treatment programs for the betterment of the inmates.

Contacting an inmate in MD DOC - Western Correctional Institution (WCI)

You can generally send a Mail Or Greetings card to the facility address, In case of an emergency you can reach the facility through fax 301-729-7024.
An inmate of MD DOC - Western Correctional Institution (WCI) can also be reached through calling the facility at 301-729-7000. Provider of the phone is Global Tel Link (GTL) - ConnectNetwork.

Visitation Rules

  • Inmates are allowed to have 20 people in their respective visitor list. If you are on that list your visitation will be smoother.
  • A fee of 25$(For background check) is applicable for all visitors prior to visitation. You can visit the facility site for filling up the online application.
  • The printed application should have a 25$ fee enclosed in the envelope.
  • Children under age of 18 doesn't require to pay background check fees.
  • Approval of visitors is solely dependant on the warden of the facility.
  • All visitor applications shall be forwarded to the receiving unit when an inmate is transferred.
  • Inmates may visit, space permitting, with a maximum of six persons at one time, regardless of age, during each visitation. Inmates requesting visitation with more than six persons at one time shall complete a Special Visit Request at least 30 calendar days in advance of the visit.
  • Proper Identification cards shall be produced while visitation.
  • Visitors are prohibited from taking any food or beverages into the visitation area, except as outlined in this section and section 8.0 of this Department Order.
  • All clothing shall be clean, worn in good repair, non-offensive, and within the bounds of common decency.
  • Shorts shall be knee length when standing. Jogging shorts, cut-offs, or hip huggers are prohibited.
  • All visitors, their personal possessions, and vehicles are subject to search by one or more of the methods.
  • The unit Deputy Warden shall determine visitation status relative to non-contact visitation.
  • Inmates are authorized to have photographs taken of themselves and/or their family members on identified holidays during specified time periods.
  • Only inmates who are authorized contact visits will be eligible to participate in the photographing process

Visitation Timings

Monday 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Wednesday 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Thursday NO VISITS
Friday 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Saturday 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Sunday 3:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Driving Direction to MD DOC - Western Correctional Institution (WCI)

MD DOC - Western Correctional Institution (WCI) Location map
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