Arrest Records Of Bay Pines Center - Baraga
Sexual Offenders in Bay Pines Center - Baraga
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Detail information on Bay Pines Center - Baraga

Address Of The Facility
2425 North 30th St, Escanaba, MI 49829
Facility Type
Phone Carrier
Security Level
State juvenile - minimum
No Of Beds
Mailing Address
2425 North 30th St, Escanaba, MI 49829

Arrest Records Of Bay Pines Center - Baraga
Sexual Offenders in Bay Pines Center - Baraga
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Brief about Bay Pines Center - Baraga

Bay Pines Center - Baraga is a correctional facility for Children under age of 15 in the state of Michigan, it has 32 beds in the facility. If you have been sentenced for a crime in Baraga County, you can end up here.

Every inmate in Bay Pines Center - Baraga facility is classified by gender, crimes committed, background, physical ability, violence committed etc, for securing the facility from chaos and to stop abuse within the facility.
The child admitted to the detention should be presented before the court in no later than 72 hours. The facility provides a safe and secure environment for all its inmates. Staff is trained with the goal of making employees with the highest standards of professionalism and ethics. Staffs are committed to bringing the best out of the inmates in custody maintaining justice system.

Facility Type and Security Level

This is a Juvenile facility, It has minimum level of security. (Foster) parents/guardians may visit twice a week.

Education, Medication & Councelling

As this facility is for Juvenile criminals, it has all the civic facilities required to make the kids a good man when they are released. Depending on the term of sentence, They are provided with education. Time to time they are provided with medical care if they need any. Counseling is provided to every inmate per week to help them recover from various situations they are going through.

Contacting an inmate in Bay Pines Center - Baraga

You can generally send a Mail Or Greetings card to the facility address, In case of an emergency you can reach the facility through fax 906-789-9848.
An inmate of Bay Pines Center - Baraga can also be reached through calling the facility at 906-789-1232. Provider of the phone is .

Visitation Rules

  • Only 3 visitors are allowed per visit
  • All visits must be scheduled and confirmed with warden of the facility atleast 1 hour before the visit.
  • Visitors are subject to search anytime.
  • Appropriate dress must be worn for visitation, No shorts, Sleeveless, Hats etc.
  • No visitor is allowed with influence of drugs/alcohol.
  • You may not bring items into detention.

Visitation Timings

Days Hours
Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Sunday 10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday 7:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Driving Direction to Bay Pines Center - Baraga

Bay Pines Center - Baraga Location map
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