Arrest Records Of Arkansas State Mental Hospital
Sexual Offenders in Arkansas State Mental Hospital
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Detail information on Arkansas State Mental Hospital

Address Of The Facility
305 S Palm St, Little Rock, AR 72205
Facility Type
Phone Carrier
Securus Tech®
Security Level
State - maximum
No Of Beds
Mailing Address
305 S Palm St, Little Rock, AR 72205

Photographic view of facility Arkansas State Mental Hospital

Image of Arkansas State Mental Hospital

Arrest Records Of Arkansas State Mental Hospital
Sexual Offenders in Arkansas State Mental Hospital
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Brief about Arkansas State Mental Hospital

Arkansas State Mental Hospital is a correctional facility run by the state of Arkansas, it has 226 beds in the facility. If you have been sentenced for a crime in County of Pulaski, Arkansas you might end up this facility.

Facility Type and Security Level

This is a Juvenile facility, It has a Maximum level of security. The facility also provides various kinds of work programs and, Education programs, Treatment programs for the betterment of the inmates.

Contacting an inmate in Arkansas State Mental Hospital

You can generally send a Mail Or Greetings card to the facility address, In case of an emergency you can reach the facility through fax .
An inmate of Arkansas State Mental Hospital can also be reached through calling the facility at 501-686-9000. Provider of the phone is Securus Tech®.

Visitation Rules

  • Inmates are allowed to have 20 people in their respective visitor list. If you are on that list your visitation will be smoother.
  • A fee of 25$(For background check) is applicable for all visitors prior to visitation. You can visit the facility site for filling up the online application.
  • The printed application should have a 25$ fee enclosed in the envelope.
  • Children under age of 18 doesn't require to pay background check fees.
  • Approval of visitors is solely dependant on the warden of the facility.
  • All visitor applications shall be forwarded to the receiving unit when an inmate is transferred.
  • Inmates may visit, space permitting, with a maximum of six persons at one time, regardless of age, during each visitation. Inmates requesting visitation with more than six persons at one time shall complete a Special Visit Request at least 30 calendar days in advance of the visit.
  • Proper Identification cards shall be produced while visitation.
  • Visitors are prohibited from taking any food or beverages into the visitation area, except as outlined in this section and section 8.0 of this Department Order.
  • All clothing shall be clean, worn in good repair, non-offensive, and within the bounds of common decency.
  • Shorts shall be knee length when standing. Jogging shorts, cut-offs, or hip huggers are prohibited.
  • All visitors, their personal possessions, and vehicles are subject to search by one or more of the methods.
  • The unit Deputy Warden shall determine visitation status relative to non-contact visitation.
  • Inmates are authorized to have photographs taken of themselves and/or their family members on identified holidays during specified time periods.
  • Only inmates who are authorized contact visits will be eligible to participate in the photographing process

Visitation Timings

Monday 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Wednesday 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Thursday NO VISITS
Friday 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Saturday 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM
Sunday 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Driving Direction to Arkansas State Mental Hospital

Arkansas State Mental Hospital Location map
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