Data Sources & Policy

All our data are from public sources, which provides us the authority to redistribute or show data on our website. We use paid and free API's to collect prison data. We also scrape a few sources with no copyright. We are no way responsible for any data fraud or showing copyright data. We only redistribute data from free/paid sources.


We are no way responsible for any harm caused by our website or your personal data been shown on our website, We are just aggregating data already accessible from various sources and public websites. If you are still unhappy about our data you are free to reach us at: [email protected]

Data Removal Policy

We take your emails seriously,If you see any data which belongs to you or your family member reach us at [email protected], For data removal we need any of the following:

  • Photo Id Of Inmate
  • Photo Id of inmates family member with proper relationship mentioned
  • Authorized letter signed by inmate or inmates family

Data Updates

We scrape or sync various sources almost daily, If you want a profile to be created for your family or friend let us know at [email protected].