Contact & Data Removal

All Removal requests till 25th June 2024 has been processed, next date of deletion is 25th July 2024. Please don't email us with removal requests just fill the form below. We remove all profiles without fail within 30 days (Even if the case is not expunged).

Use the form below to send us a data removal request. Data will be deleted once every month.

Important Notes

  • We remove all profiles without fail within 30 days (Even if the case is not expunged).
  • Data will be Modified / Removed on the last day of every month.
  • Process is fully automated so re-entering the form won't delete it any faster. Please enter the inmate profile url properly or your data won't be removed.
  • If your removal has been processed and Data still shows up in google search or bing search, please wait for it to be removed. Being a large website we don't get crawled fast. It might take upto 90 days for google / bing to process the removal. If you need any more help please feel free to reach us at: [email protected].
  • Our intention is not to hurt anyones sentiment or career. We are just an aggregator of public records. We are showing information which is already available publically. We want to make inmate information more accessible to general public. We take all removal requests very seriously and delete them immediately without fail.
  • If you want to contact us regarding anything else email us at [email protected], any mail regarding removal will not be entertained.

Data Removal Request Form

As the process is fully automated remember to enter the profile url properly. If the profile url is not inserted properly it won't get deleted.