Recent arrests in Buncombe County, North Carolina

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Find Inmate rosters, recent arrests, mugshots of offenders in Buncombe County, North Carolina. Results also include Booking Id, Charges, Booking Date, Location, Bond, Reporting Agency, Gender, Age, Crime Date etc. You can view reports of daily, monthly, weekly arrests made through this tool.

Search Arrest Records of Buncombe County, North Carolina

Police Institutions in Buncombe County, North Carolina

1 primary police organization are responsible for arrests in Buncombe County, North Carolina. They are responsible for keeping criminals off the street.

Each organization is responsible for safeguarding a particular vicinity. Central zipcode for each sheriff organization is shown below. Select your nearby zip code to view arrests.

Buncombe County Sheriff's Office

Do they post mugshots? Yes
Arrests Records Updated Today

Zipcode Served: 28801

Buncombe County Arrest records

Arrest records are updated by Buncombe County sheriff office several times every day. They keep put this record on their websites for public awareness. It's your right to know who has been arrested in your vicinity. These records can keep you updated with people and events around you.

Inmate rosters and mugshots

An arrest is a police procedure which allows police to take suspects in custody. Arrest record doesn't prove anyone guilty. These records are not FRCA compliant. You cannot use this data for background checks.

Arrest data is rich in information, It consists of many information like the following:

  1. Arrestee Name: Miscreants name who was arrested after or during offense committed.
  2. Booking Id: Id for the arrest made is generally termed as booking Id.
  3. Charges: felonies committed by the arrestee.
  4. Booking Date: The date when the arrest was made.
  5. Booking Location: Location of the arrest.
  6. Bond: Any bonds made during the arrest.
  7. Reporting Agency: Reporting agency of the crime.
  8. Gender: Gender of the felon.
  9. Age: Age of the arrestee.
  10. Crime Date: The probable date of the crime committed.
  11. Case Id: Id of the case if taken to court.
  12. Inmate Number: Id of the inmate when shifted to prison.
  13. Mugshots - A Portrait photo taken from the waist up when a person is arrested. These pictures are generally taken to keep track of miscreants with a photograph.

FAQs about arrests in Buncombe County

How to view todays arrests in Buncombe County, North Carolina
Using this page you can view todays arrests, You can also view any arrests made within this month.
Who arrests in Buncombe County, North Carolina
There are several organizations which are generally responsible for arresting a felon. In Buncombe County arrests are made by 1 organization. You can view the orgnization list above.
How to view arrests made by a particular organization
Select a particular orgnization, from list of sherriff offices in Buncombe County. View it's page to check for arrests made by them.
Why is my arrest record showing?
These records are controlled by federal agencies and police organizations, we don’t control the data. If you have ever been arrested your name or mugshot might appear on various websites.
How to remove my mugshots?
You cannot pay to remove mugshots from a government website or public websites. But if your case has been dismissed by the court or you have been free of charges you might apply to the website owners to remove the information.
Search Arrest Recorda of Buncombe County, North Carolina